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Does Ferulic Acid Serum Clog Pores?

Ferulic acid serum is one of the top facial serums available in skincare. It is viable for most skin types and easy to use.
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Written by
Alisan Keesee
November 3, 2023
A Post About Does Ferulic Acid Serum Clog Pores

Does Ferulic Acid Serum Clog Pores?

Ferulic acid serum is one of the top facial serums available in skincare. Viable for most skin types and easy to use, it is a great starter serum for people who want to improve or supercharge their skincare routine. A common concern of people looking into ferulic acid serum is, “Does ferulic acid serum clog pores?”

Ferulic acid serum--unlike other products that include extra ingredients to make them a cream or have a longer shelf life--contains only the bare minimum of ingredients. This prevents it from clogging your pores. Additionally, ferulic acid can actually prevent your pores from getting clogged throughout the day because it neutralizes and minimizes free radical damage.

If a patient already has oily skin, it may be recommended that they use ferulic acid fewer times a day, or use a serum with other astringent ingredients. However, if using other products or serums that balance out oiliness, using ferulic acid serum should not clog the pores or contribute to the oiliness.

To learn more, call us at 206-787-0784 or order ferulic acid serum online.

Disclaimer: Ferulic acid serum is a cosmetic product. This product is not FDA approved. Ferulic acid is not a drug and it does not treat any medical conditions.